Monday, October 22, 2007

hw 22: women drink wine too

In chapter two of A Room of One’s Own, she shows her sarcastic side with no boundaries, side sweeping men and women differences and sly remarks on the livelihood of the two. By passing, the way women should be acting and doing exactly what they are not supposed to do by walking on grass and wishing to read a book, oh my Virginia Woolf must have been a hellish woman to write about this. (Chapter one) See the sarcasm? I believe that is her point, for you to know that how she feels about the topic at hand, gender roles for example, I believe she feels that women are put under men so to speak and thinks it is inappropriate. Women drink water, men drink wine. Water in those days was nothing compared to drinking wine, yet women could not drink wine just men. (Page 25) The women vs. men is something unending in the works of Woolf, I believe as she did that women are not subordinate to men, we are just as equal yet in the days of Virginia Woolf when you were to walk in to a library or museum the books available are overwhelmingly overpowered by male authors. (Page 27) It does not stop with brains and allowances, it continues to money and food as well. Women just get the raw deal according to Woolf; they are poor prune eating women. (Pages 28-36) I agree with Woolf that back in those days women were considered lower then men, however now a days I feel that there are more Virginia Woolf’s walking on grass and reading all the books they please. That is the most important thing of all, that women are no longer eating prunes and drinking water that they are eating fresh meats and drinking red wine!

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