Tuesday, November 13, 2007

HW 32: Aqila Al-Hashimi

On Saturday September 27 Aqila Al-Hashimi was buried in the south of Iraq after being murdered by an unknown attacker though there are suspicions as to who was behind it, nothing is official. One of the accused is Al-Chalabi, who was also accused of having apart in the attack on the Jordanian Embassy, however Al-Chalabi rerouted his accusation to Saddam, which Riverbend believes is sort of a cop out. Al-Hashimi was said to be made an ambassadress to the Un for Iraq, which makes things peculiar now after her death the UN is pulling out its staff to do “security reasons” (Riverbend pages 84-85). Riverbend believes that everytime the UN pulls out its staff something bad is about to happen “…the UN is pulling out…we’re getting bombed” (Riverbend page 85) This is how she generally gauges the political situations in Iraq, if the UN is in its going good, if their out its going badly.

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